Brown Bag Lunch Group
The Brown Bag Lunch Group (BBL) is a multi-disciplinary, creative network of independent experts, entrepreneurs and academics from the fields of digital policy, regulatory affairs, IT, health, telecommunications and cyber security. Our network is a forum designed to facilitate an ongoing exchange of opinions and ideas on significant developments in the digital space. We are a sounding board for business strategists, innovators and policymakers, providing practical and tangible feedback and advice based on hands-on experience.
We discuss the ways in which the digital and analog worlds influence one another, seeking new strategies that will contribute to the improvement of European society from an economic perspective, as well as modifying our engagement across these platforms.
As knowledge workers, we love to explore new collaboration formats and agile consulting approaches to keep up with ever-accelerating technological advancements. Where appropriate, we will employ AI tools to enhance meeting productivity and to gain practical experience for our individual and collective business activities. We meet once a week online to discuss things of common interest. We call these gatherings “Brown Bag Lunch”. Once or twice a month we will invite outside speakers to present and discuss a pre-defined topic.
Who We Are
In his talk, "The Hypes and Hopes of Quantum Computing in Medical Imaging Science" Laszlo Papp explored the potential of quantum computing (QC) in advancing cancer imaging research.
Dr habil. Annegret Bendiek presented on "Resilience Power EU: Re-thinking Conflict Management in the Cyber-and Information Space".
Lately Clotilde Bômont, Dr, post-doc researcher on political geography at IRSEM (Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'Ecole Militaire), presented thoughts on French cloud strategy.
We were honoured to have Wolfgang Petritsch as a guest speaker at our BBL meeting. Wolfgang offered food for thought. He pointed out that for a long time, liberal democracies and Western-style capitalism were considered the leading global model from a Western perspective.
Hans Hauser talked about the role of patents and IPR in the history of telecommunication.
BBL recently hosted a thought-provoking session with Editha Nemsic and Ella Krikler, centred on the 'Practical Applications of AI in Legal.
Petri Ahokangas presented the business_models which were surprisingly stable up to 4G but 5G and especially 6G will bring fundamental change to how the mobile connectivity is deployed and commercialized. He underlined the importance of business models innovation.
Christoph Aeschlimann presented „From Telco to Tech-Co“: the r/evolutionary path telecom service providers must take to succeed in today’s dynamic market environment.
Georg Serentschy provides a snapshot of his research in the area of Digital Infrastructure Resilience and Security - Policy Implications and Mitigation Measures“, highlighting the most important developments and trends, including examples from the energy, industrial, and transportation sectors, all of which are on the target list of state (backed) actors and groups, aiming to attack core functions of our society.
Together with Magnus Franklin, BBL discussed the burning issue: “Is the EU ready for Q-day?” The quantum computing hype cycle is like where we were with artificial intelligence (AI) at the beginning of the current EU mandate in 2018. Its impact is often understated, and nuance often brushed over.
In her talk, Irina Gueorguiev addressed the role of international law and an international legal framework to regulate AI and presented some of the advantages and disadvantages of different models of international organizations.
After presenting a high-level overview on Ericsson and the development of the mobile industry, Gabriel Solomon delved into the importance of geopolitics for a global digital company. European mobile players suffer from a “connectivity funding gap” and ecosystem players from an “innovation funding gap” which created as a compound effect “Europe’s telco lost decade”.
Claudia Reinprecht, the head of digital & techdiplomacy in Austria, delivered an overview on her activities, in particular quantum, AI and data. She highlights that ‘tech diplomacy’ goes beyond traditional forms.
Kerstin Zettl-Schabath introduced the very interesting EuRepoC project – the European Repository of Cyber Incidents – to our BBL Group. The project creates a database on Cyber Incidents to facilitate empirical research on this topic.
The new article by our member Derk Oldenburg "Digital Technology and the ability to forget". One of the abilities that help us being optimistic about the future is our ability to forget. We are good at letting bad things fade away. But it has its downsides.
Wolfgang Briglauer delivered a lecture based on his paper “Economic Benefits of High Speed Broadband - Network Coverage and Service Adoption”, presented at the ITS Conference in Madrid 2023.
Happy to announce in online open access “The Changing World of Mobile Communications: 5G, 6G and the Future of Digital Services”.
In our BBL meeting we discussed the important question: “Competition between Government Money and Cryptocurrencies – Does the Winner Take it All?”
Katharina Gassner delivered her talk on the The World Bank activities in Austria, Ukraine and Western Balkan countries.
The Role of Digital Communications and Technologies in the War in Ukraine - A technology and policy observer’s view by Georg Serentschy.
Heads-up! Chapter in a forthcoming book on: Future of 6G, determined by the fight between: Geopolitics & Technology.
The group discussed the burning issue “EU Energy strategy between crisis and decarbonization - What is the way out?" with guests.
The BBL group and external guests discussed the exciting topic “Geopolitical confrontation or renewed global cooperation?”
The 6G Ecosystem calls for a new regulatory approach. Georg Serentschy speaks about his contribution to the book “The Changing World of Mobile Communications - 5G, 6G and the Future of Digital Services”.
In his talk, Erik Thiele Orberg took us on a fascinating journey about the role of the human microbiome especially in cancer and cancer therapy, and his own important research in the field.
Gustav Kalbe presented the current state of quantum technology and the EU's initiatives to support its development as well as the importance of high-performance computing (HPC) and the European Commission’s (EC) HPC strategy.
We (Brown Bag Lunch Group (BBL)) are honoured that Janja Hojnik will be speaking at our upcoming BBL meeting!
Brown Bag Lunch meeting in June on the topic of technology challenges to the EU internal market, a speach provided by Janja Hojnik.
First physically retreat meeting in Vienna.
Christoph Aeschlimann
Petri Ahokangas
Johan Barnard
Annegret Bendiek
Clotilde Bomont
Wolfgang Briglauer
Magnus Franklin
Katharina Gassner
Irina Gueorguiev
Gustav Kalbe
Olha Konsevych
Ella Krikler
Lars Maydell
Editha Nemsic
Rastam Josef Neuwirth
Erik Orberg
Laszlo Papp
Klaus Pseiner
Claudia Reinprecht
Krisztina Rozgonyi
Björn Rupp
Nicolai Schaettgen
Markus Schmidt
Frank Seifert
Gabriel Solomon
Bernd Spatzenegger
Volker Stocker
Nicolas Stockhammer
Alfred Taudes
Paul Timmers, jr.
Rupert Ursin
Daniel Voelsen
Petra Weingerl
Kerstin Zettl-Schabath