brown lunch bags in front of greenboard


Brown Bag Lunch Group

The Brown Bag Lunch Group (BBL) is a multi-disciplinary, creative network of independent experts, entrepreneurs and academics from the fields of digital policy, regulatory affairs, IT, health, telecommunications and cyber security. Our network is a forum designed to facilitate an ongoing exchange of opinions and ideas on significant developments in the digital space. We are a sounding board for business strategists, innovators and policymakers, providing practical and tangible feedback and advice based on hands-on experience.

We discuss the ways in which the digital and analog worlds influence one another, seeking new strategies that will contribute to the improvement of European society from an economic perspective, as well as modifying our engagement across these platforms.

brown bag lunch group photo

As knowledge workers, we love to explore new collaboration formats and agile consulting approaches to keep up with ever-accelerating technological advancements. Where appropriate, we will employ AI tools to enhance meeting productivity and to gain practical experience for our individual and collective business activities. We meet once a week online to discuss things of common interest. We call these gatherings “Brown Bag Lunch”. Once or twice a month we will invite outside speakers to present and discuss a pre-defined topic.


Who We Are




